Changes for Football Season

Construction on the east side of Main Street in Thomson will cause a few adjustments to football fans’ traditional route into The Brickyard this season. All foot traffic should remain on the west side of Main Street until reaching the crossing area located at the intersection of Main Street and Springfield Street. Police officers will be directing traffic there to assist fans in crossing the street safely.

Parking will still be available in the usual areas: The fields in front of and beside the McDuffie County School System office, the parking lot beside the old gym, as well as the parking lot at the McDuffie Achievement Center. Secondary parking is also available at Thomson First United Methodist Church.

In addition to parking and foot traffic adjustments, fans will also notice a change in stadium lighting. New LED lights have been installed at The Brickyard that will better light the field. However, photosensitive fans should beware that at certain times during the game, such as after scoring drives or interceptions, the lights will blink or flash to enhance a celebratory atmosphere. Anyone that may be negatively impacted by that strobing effect should be prepared to take proper precautions.