Curriculum and Instruction » Assessment


The Department of Curriculum & Instruction provides training and support for district and state-mandated assessments.  Among the tests administered in the system are the following:
  • Formative assessments (Grades 1-12)  These tests are used to determine a student's progress toward grade level standards, and a thorough analysis of results allows teachers to re-group and re-teach or accelerate based on individual student needs.
  • Running records (K-5), Basic Literacy Tests (K-1), and math facts assessments (1-5): These measures are part of the promotion criteria in various K-5 grade levels.
  • Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills  2.0 (GKIDS 2.0):  The GKIDS 2.0 assessment includes a formative GKIDS Readiness Check administered during the first six weeks of school and used to develop personalized learning experiences for students.  Throughout the year, teachers measure student progress on identified standards during regular class instruction and small group or individual settings. To learn more about the GKIDS 2.0 program, follow this link to the GaDOE GKIDS 2.0 page.
  • Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade (3-8)/End-of-Course (9-12) Measures and the Georgia Alternate Assessment 2.0 (GAA) (3-12):  As summative state-mandated assessments, the Georgia Milestones Assessment System and GAA 2.0 are used to determine a student's mastery of the assigned grade-level or course-specific standards.  Georgia Milestones End-of- Course (EOC) measures account for a portion of a student's final course grade, as required by Georgia Department of Education rules.  For study guides and other resources, follow this link to the Georgia Milestones page. Likewise, GAA 2.0 resources can be found here.
  • AP Exams (9-12):  Qualifying scores on the Advanced Placement Exams, administered nationally each year, may result in a student's earning collegiate credit or invitation to a college honors program.
  • PSAT (10-11):  The PSAT, administered to all first-time sophomores, can be used as a qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program.
  • SAT, ACT, and Accuplacer (9-12):  These assessments, used for college entrance qualifying criteria, are voluntary and administered several times during the year. Information about the ACT can be found here; the SAT, here; and Accuplacer, here.
  • ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 (K-12):  This national test is administered annually to English learners to determine progress toward English language proficiency.  Information about the ACCESS test can be found here.
  • National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) (4, 8, 12):  Across the nation, schools are selected on an annual basis to administer the NAEP, which reports progress of students in reading, math, writing, and science.  Learn more about Georgia's participation in the NAEP here.
Georgia High School Graduation Tests/Georgia High School Writing Test/Basic Skills Tests Petitions
An individual (hereinafter referred to as "the student") no longer enrolled in a Georgia public school and who previously failed to receive a high school diploma in this state or was denied graduation solely for failing to achieve a passing score on one or more portions of the Georgia High School Graduation Tests or its predecessor or the Georgia High School Writing Test or its predecessor may petition the local board of education in which he or she was last enrolled to determine the student's eligibility to receive a high school diploma pursuant to O.C.G.A. 20-2-81.1 based on the graduation requirements in effect when the student first entered ninth grade.  The petitioner must have met all attendance and unit requirements set forth in state board rule as well as local board policies to be eligible for a diploma to be granted.  Such petitions may be submitted to Thomson High School using the form located below. More information may be obtained at the Georgia Department of Education's Graduation Test Waivers page.


Study guides and resources for parents of students in grades 3-8
Study guides and resources for parents of students taking high school courses
Explanation of the achievement levels for the Georgia Milestones Assessment System, grades 3-12
Parent information website on the initial Readiness Check, administered during the first six weeks of the school year
Parent Brochures