Emotional and Behavior Disorder
The Emotional and Behavior Disorders Program serves students whose educational performance is impaired by an emotional condition that is manifested in one or more of the following areas: maintaining relationships with adults or peers; behaving appropriately; complaining of physical symptoms or fears related to personal or school problems; displaying moods of unhappiness or depression; demonstrating problems in learning which cannot be adequately explained by other factors. Services may include academic instruction, behavior management, or effective and prosocial skills development.
Students with emotional/behavior disorders may exhibit the following behaviors in a general education setting:
Students with emotional/behavior disorders may exhibit the following behaviors in a general education setting:
- attention-getting behavior
- poor impulse control
- problems working in groups
- defiance of authority figures
- may be withdrawn
- behavior adversely affects learning
*Sand Hills Psychoeducational Center serves students with severe emotional deficits.