A Tribunal is a disciplinary hearing for students who defy the Code of Conduct set forth by the McDuffie County School System. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to provide students with an effective and safe learning environment. Tribunals are enforced to correlate disobedience with consequences and to establish a safe haven for all of our students and faculty. Students whose infractions have been determined to be in violation of the Code of Conduct to the extent that these students should be removed from the regular school program are referred to a Tribunal for action.
Normally after a student receives at least 8 referrals, a hearing is requested to determine the further placement of that student. Depending on the severity of the violation, a hearing may be requested sooner.
Normally after a student receives at least 8 referrals, a hearing is requested to determine the further placement of that student. Depending on the severity of the violation, a hearing may be requested sooner.
When a student is referred to a tribunal:
1. It must then be authorized by the Superintendent.
2. A certified letter is mailed to the student's parent/guardian to notify then of the upcoming hearing. The parent/guardian as the option to: attend/not attend, have lawyer or witness present on the student's behalf, or to sign a Waiver of disciplinary Tribunal Hearing, stating that the student admits guilt and voluntarily accepts the recommendation prescribed by the school.
3. The student’s case is heard by the hearing officer appointed by the school system.
4. A tribunal hearing takes place at the Board of Education office. The student’s behavior is discussed and analyzed to establish whether the student is guilty/not guilty of the charges being brought against them.
5. The results of all tribunals are kept confidential and are reported to the Board of Education.
If the student is found guilty, they may be given the option to apply to attend the McDuffie Achievement Center during the time of suspension/expulsion. The parent may contact the principal of the McDuffie Achievement Center, Mr Cecil Strong, to enroll the student.
In other cases, the student is expelled from school indefinitely, charges may be filed against the student, or the student can return to school after the completion of his/her suspension, depending on the decisions made by the hearing officer.
1. It must then be authorized by the Superintendent.
2. A certified letter is mailed to the student's parent/guardian to notify then of the upcoming hearing. The parent/guardian as the option to: attend/not attend, have lawyer or witness present on the student's behalf, or to sign a Waiver of disciplinary Tribunal Hearing, stating that the student admits guilt and voluntarily accepts the recommendation prescribed by the school.
3. The student’s case is heard by the hearing officer appointed by the school system.
4. A tribunal hearing takes place at the Board of Education office. The student’s behavior is discussed and analyzed to establish whether the student is guilty/not guilty of the charges being brought against them.
5. The results of all tribunals are kept confidential and are reported to the Board of Education.
If the student is found guilty, they may be given the option to apply to attend the McDuffie Achievement Center during the time of suspension/expulsion. The parent may contact the principal of the McDuffie Achievement Center, Mr Cecil Strong, to enroll the student.
In other cases, the student is expelled from school indefinitely, charges may be filed against the student, or the student can return to school after the completion of his/her suspension, depending on the decisions made by the hearing officer.
Descriptor Code JDD/JDE
2022-2023 Codes of Conduct